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5 Powerful Ways To Improve Your Life Forever

May 13, 2019

Do you ever wish that you could change your life? You have tried only to find that everything is still the way it always was? This is so frustrating. Let's explore 5 Powerful Ways To Improve Your Life Forever!

You can watch Michael E talk about this on YouTube here.


1. Listen To Your Inner Voice
You know that voice in your head that tells you to do things or warns you when something is too hot? The voice that says, "stop! Touching that red hot burner is bad!" This is the same voice that can give you great advice.
We drown that voice out with other noise. The noise of life around us and rapid thoughts. Just take a few deep breaths and start listening for that voice of wisdom. It will help guide you in the right direction. It will point you down the right path for you.

2. What Is And Isn't Working Now?
Asking your little voice what's working well and what is not is so helpful. Often we begin something new to find it is giving us great results and yet for some reason we stop. Or, conversely we know that some actions proves detrimental to our success. Beginning to identify the productive things will help you. It is just as important as removing the harmful things from your life.

3. What Do You Want to Change In Your Life
Now you are thinking in the right direction. It is time to ask yourself. What do I want to change in my life? Make a list. Yes, write them down. When something is on paper it is far more real.

4. Make Small Changes
Yes, I know, it is easy to get excited, to feel like you are now ready to crush it. This is very good. Just don't try to change everything at once. This can become very overwhelming and stop you cold.
Focus on something small at first. Remember the idea here is to take you out of that frustrated feeling of not winning. Taking on too much all at once is usually not going to work. If you want to drop weight, begin by changing your diet. Then add in exercise. Or the other way around. Please don't take on too much and set yourself up for failure. You are now done with that.

5. Forget What Others Think
Taking the power away from others and what they think and giving it to yourself will ensure success. You must make up your own mind and follow your path. You have probably heard stories of famous people and know that they followed their dreams. It didn't matter what others thought or said. They held on to that goal and saw it through.
No, I'm not saying you need to be selfish and reject those around you. I always encourage you to be responsible and take care of your family. I am saying that you don't have to be lured away from reaching your dreams just because of what someone else thinks.

As you begin to implement these 5 Powerful Ways To Improve Your Life Forever, you may feel like it is too hard. That's fine. Change your thinking from things being too hard to a good challenge. When is the last time you were challenged? Is it time to challenge yourself now? Is it time to make the changes you desire? I hope for you it is time. I encourage you to reach your highest level of success and live life on your terms.

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