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Do Something That Matters

Jul 01, 2019

Do Something That Matters

      We live in a world of over indulgence and immediate gratification. This will hold you back from reaching your highest level of success and keep you right where you are now.
How can you get control of your life?
How can you break out of your shell?

Today we have far more distractions then we ever had before. Technology has been made affordable to the point where most people have some means of getting online. This can come at a high price. We have apatite’s that are insatiable for food and drink. We have a need to develop habits and yet we often choose the wrong ones. Sadly we often hang on to childhood traumas which can and often do contribute to most of our issues. If you learn to do what matters you will often travel down the right path for you.


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Change Your Habits Change Your Life


I am blind and went to a school for the visually impaired. It was a boarding school. Let me tell you my friend the food was awfle. I was about 10 years old when I went there for the first time. I remember my first lunch. I sat down at a table with other guys who became my good buddies. Someone announced over a speaker that the lunch menu was sweet and sour pork with rice and a fruit salad for desert. This was not normal food for me.
The plate came. I looked at it and even touched it. The meat was actually fluffy. I asked what this was. One of the guys said while chewing, "it's good eat it."
I took one bite. I bit through the fluff and found some rather hard meat in the middle. I chewed that bite and decided to see what they'd serve for dinner.
I imagine that at one time the meat did have a sweet and sour sauce on it. Sitting on the heat rack it dried out and became rather fluffy. Going from mom's cooking to heat rack food was a bit much to ask of me. I didn't eat much for the next few days. The staff was getting concerned and called mom. She told them that there's nothing wrong with me and I wouldn't starve myself. She was correct. I learned to eat when I could and skip meals when I needed to.
I developed a habit that stays with me today. When there's something on my plate I like I will get seconds or even more. I learned to eat fast so I could choke down as much food as I could before they ran out.
That was decades ago. I know I can eat any time I want. I can make myself something simple, order anything I want or just simply reach for some snacks in the fridge. I know all this but yet if there's something on my plate and I like it I will often ask for seconds. I almost never leave anything on my plate. No matter how much food is there I will usually clean it off.
Why do I do this? What makes me still want to over eat even though I know what that will do to me? It makes me bloated, I get more fat on my belly, I will even have issues with constipation. Yet, I attack my plate like I haven't been fed in days when it's only been hours. I don't need to load up on food. I know I will eat again soon.


1. Control Pleasures


Too much of a good thing really is too much of a good thing. Over indulging takes its toll on us in every conceivable way. Be it Drink, food, sex or anything else. If you can learn to control yourself and find that happy place where you have neither too much nor too little you will be a healthier, happier and far more productive person.
With some pleasures it's the pursuit of that pleasure that fills our mind. This could be sex. We spend so much time thinking about attracting sex that we take away from the other important aspects of life.
Food has its own issues. It is easy to see that we are in a world of over indulgence. Yes, I realize that there are many medical issues that can result in excess body weight but I think we can agree that it has more to do with over eating and consuming the wrong foods.
Drink or drugs needs to be controlled with a very tight rein. I am a binge drinker. I can have a drink or two. If I get beyond that point I may just keep going. I made a choice quite a while ago. I don't drink. I didn't give up drinking exactly. It was more like I wanted to have a clear mind to do the work that I have chosen to do. I work many hours a week. I feel like I am on call all the time. This isn't quite true but there are times in the evening where I may be up late and decide to get some work done. I can't do this if I'm intoxicated. Nor can I function well for a few days after a binge session. So, I didn't really quit drinking, my lifestyle lead me to habits that doesn't include drinking.


2. Remove Childhood Traumas


Far too often the bad habits we develop stem from our childhoods. Sometimes we are trying to hide the pain. One lady was a rather attractive teenager in great shape. She was studying to be a gymnast. Her father and uncle were watching her perform some very complex move on the bars. Her uncle made some inappropriate sexual comment. That young girl was hurt by the comment. She decided that she would eat ice cream and not be so attractive anymore. It was many years after trying endless diets until she finally learn what her issue was and then she was able to remove her excess weight.
Most eating disorders, drug addictions drinking and lack of self-belief are directly related to traumas. Most of the time they come from our childhood but not always.
You need to find a way to get beyond these traumas. Seek help as needed. In some cases you can simply decide to rationalize the trauma and it will go away. Other times you need more help.


Watch this video I recorded on Advanced Stress Reduction.

This is the basic level of the more advanced process that I use to help many people overcome issues so they can live a much more satisfying life.
Join my email list, reply to any email I've sent you and we can setup a session.

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3. Stop Browsing


When you are checking online to see what everyone is up to, you are browsing. The issue here is that you are wasting vital brain energy. Yes, your brain has amazing capacity but only so much energy to give. Like a car with all the power you need to go from one place to another, it won't make it without enough fuel. If you take enough side trips you will have used up all the fuel and you will not reach your destination.
Some will talk about the dopamine you get from the instant gratification. Yes that will keep you alert to some degree but it won't last for long.
If you reduce the amount of time you spend aimlessly reading posts, making decisions that again are often pointless, you save so much brain power for pursuing your dreams. These decisions are: do I open it and read more, shall I respond, etc.
It has been stated that some very successful people never make the mundane decisions. They don't pick out their clothes, choose their food, drive themselves and many other such tasks. I knew a guy who ate a specific diet but didn't want to prepare his own food. He found a lady that lived nearby who would prepare his food for him to his specifications. He never had to think about what to make or even having to go shop for it. He told me that the money he paid this lady to do the work saved him a great deal in mental efforts and actual time.


4. Take On Something That Is Meaningful


When you have a meaningful mission you will be far more likely to break the bad habits and develop productive ones.
I honestly can't remember the last time I had a drink. My mission is far more important to me than having a drink and messing up my mind. This is not to say I'll never drink again. I don't know when or if I will but I know it won't be today. I have too much work to do.

When you have a real powerful mission it will help you in all aspects of your life.

If you choose to take on something that matters, you will be forced to make changes in your life that will take you to levels of success that you never thought possible. It will change you in ways that will excite you. Always remember, "actions are the legs that lead you to success." Michael Edward.

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