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Why Does Enthusiasm Lead To Success?

Jun 17, 2019

Why Does Enthusiasm Lead To Success?

You've probably heard that you must have a positive attitude. What does this mean? Is it enough? The magic is in another word. Enthusiasm. Let’s explore why enthusiasm leads to success.

Positive thinking is best described as being in a state where you have made up your mind to do something and you will not allow negative thoughts or memories to block you from those goals. This is for the most part internal processes that are not easily viewed by others. Enthusiasm is the external expression that others can see and feel. It is what gives others a sense of who and what you are. Enthusiasm boost the spirit of those around you. It joins people together and maintains long term relationships. Enthusiasm is all this and more. Can one have too much enthusiasm? What is the impact of having too little enthusiasm?


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Enthusiasm comes from a positive mind. When you have a positive mind with direction and purpose you can then develop enthusiasm. Enthusiasm will not be constant or beneficial in a negative mind.

When you have a very strong obsession for a desire and work to achieve that desire you generate enthusiasm. An example of this power can be illustrated by the joining of a couple. It begins with a desire for love. These two people show a huge amount of enthusiasm for each other. As long as this state holds the relationship is magical and wonderous. If this level of enthusiasm begins to fade so does the intensity of the relationship.

Turn this process in to achieving any goal and you will reach a high level of success. If your goal lacks enthusiasm the dream will fade away and no action will be taken.

What Is Too Much Enthusiasm?
When enthusiasm is out of control is can be detrimental. If you allow yourself to become so enthusiastic about a subject you may dominate conversation and come across as being too pushy.
If you become overly enthusiastic in an area that doesn't serve your purpose or is detrimental to your health. If you desire to reach a high level of success and yet you have a high degree of enthusiasm for watching TV or playing some game, you will not succeed.
Enthusiasm like any other emotion must remain in your control.

What are some of the benefits to good healthy enthusiasm?
Enthusiasm is what makes a person's voice softer and most pleasant to listen to.
It makes even a drab subject more interesting. Think about a great teacher you had versus a tiresome one. Both teachers may even teach the same subject.
It inspires one to take action far beyond what one might expect based on a person's upbringing.
It affects those around you in a positive manner.

Physical activity is necessary for enthusiasm.
When you are engaged in a physical action you are blocking out negativity. Your mind is only focused on that action. The removal of these negative thoughts is vital to reaching your highest level of success. A musician playing an instrument engages the mind and muscles required to generate wonderful sounds. An athlete connects the mind and muscle to perform well in a sport. The act of dancing also joins the mind with the rhythm of the music to the coordination of the body. You can take the enthusiasm you feel while being active and apply that same control to everything you want.
Before recording a video I will often do some light exercises. This serves to focus my mind. When I have removed doubt in my ability to relay a topic I can then settle down. Now I can feel the enthusiasm that I have for helping people.
We all know that we need to move our body in order to maintain strength and health. However, I hope that you also realize that mind and muscle coordination also serves to raise your enthusiasm as well.

To develop a strong healthy enthusiasm here are the 3 steps you must follow.

1. Clear Your Mind Of All Negative Thoughts
When you clear your mind of all negativity, you are now ready to take on the next step.

2. Have A Primary Goal
Now that you've been able to remove all the negative thoughts and doubts you can truly focus on that one primary goal you desire.

3. Take Action
You are now free to take action. Only when you have removed all negativity and you have a primary goal to attain can you take active precise action. You will be so focused on what you want your enthusiasm will carry you through the struggles and hard times that will likely attempt to divert you from your goal. You can't achieve your dreams without taking action or working for it.

No matter your current status in life, enthusiasm will help take you to the next level. It is a factor that employers look for. Showing enthusiasm in your family tells them you love them. Remaining enthusiastic in your goals will help you achieve them.

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