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Why Is It Important To Have A Sense Of Duty

Jul 15, 2019

If you wake in the morning and look at your loved one and wish that you could provide a better life. See a neighbor with a new car or providing more for their family. Buying the kids some great new toy. Reaching for that higher level of success. it could be that that person who is no smarter than you is using the power of sense of duty.

Why Is It Important To Have A Sense Of Duty?


It is this power that reminds us that we can achieve great things. It gives us a reason to take our dream and put it in to flowing action. It is the difference from being one who drifts along in life to those who have deliberate plans. The love you have in your heart is a very powerful tool, let me show you how to release it.


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Why Does A Sense Of Duty Work So well?


When we have someone or a family in our lives that we love we want the best for them. We want to reach up and grab a star and give it to them. It breaks your heart to have to say no all the time. It can even make you feel like less of a person. Like you just aren't whole. Turning that sadness in your heart to a powerful force will help you provide for those you love in ways you can't even imagine.
It is this power that gets you out of bed with a strong sense of purpose.
It's this love for others that gives you energy.
It is your desire to be able to give more that helps you through the hard times.
Perhaps you've heard stories about a small woman lifting a car to free her son who was trapped under it? This is called hysterical strength. Where does that power come from? Why is it that at that moment the otherwise relatively weak person performed feats that would make a strong man competitor envious? It is sense of duty. It is one person's love and dedication to another that gives one such power. The secret to reaching a higher level of success is using this very same dedication. It doesn't matter if you are a man or woman, young or old, you can have this power and use it constantly to provide a better life for those you love.
No, you may not be able to go around lifting cars but then who wants to when there's no emergency. You can build this love and dedication for others to generate your internal power that is necessary to make the life altering choices. To have a reason larger than yourself to succeed.


Here's How


1. For Your Loved One
If you have that one person in your life who you plan to grow old with, that one person that your heart beats for, use that love to remind you why you get up in the morning. Why you go to work and do your best and improve yourself to have more to be able to give more.

2. For Your Children
Children may be the most powerful force of all. I remember when I held my sons right after they came in to this world. I was scared, proud, I was weak and strong, I had so many emotions. I can still feel them even now over 20 years later. When my first son was born I was broke. I had no job and no prospects. I am blind, nobody would give me a chance. I became  even more determined. I would succeed. I had to. I needed to. I wasn't going to do my best for him and if that wasn't good enough then I'd do even more. By the time he was six months old, I had a good job in a large organization and within a few more years just after the birth of his brother I moved up a few more pay grades. I was driven.
Remind yourself all the time that you want to complete a task for your kids. Make the reason larger than yourself.

3. For Your Client
No matter the work you do you must have a client. Your client may change from hour to hour but you have a client. When I was training new employees I would share this concept with them. You always have a client. You must do your best for that client. It doesn't matter if you don't have direct contact with that client. It doesn't even matter if you are in an industry where your clients are often angry. You always do the best job for them. If it set a table to provide them a  nice dining experience to trying to save a life on an operating table. You think of your client.
In the large organization where I worked my client changed constantly. In one moment I was working for my supervisor, the next a coworker who needed my help to a client who would never know me in any way. It didn't matter. I made the work more important than me. I did it to help someone else.

4. For Your Mentor
If there's someone in your life who believed in you. Who gave you valuable information. Someone you look up to. Use that person as your reason to succeed. I've had many mentors in my life. I often think about one and say what would he do in this situation. When I succeed I am showing my mentor that I was paying attention. I did learn from them. I do care enough to be successful so that that person can know that their words are still being applied even after they are no longer with us. I've even made mentors of people I likely will never meet. They are the creator of a course that helped change my life. A person who wrote a book a hundred years ago. To a family member who is gone now. If you have no family you can still generate the power of sense of duty by succeeding for your mentor.

We are often willing to do more for others then we are for ourselves. It is human nature. Use this power to succeed. Use this power to make plans to improve your life and the lives of those around you. This my friend is why it is important to have a sense of duty.

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