Why To Give Up Blame For Your Success
May 27, 2019Do you wonder why you blame everyone for where you are in life? I did. I blamed my past relationship on my depression when I knew it had to end. I blamed my being stuck in life because I am blind. I blamed teachers for teaching me I wasn’t as smart as I could be. Blame is such an easy finger to point. It is also what can hold you back.
Blame can hold you back from being the successful person you want to be. Blame can and will keep you from being productive and living a wonderful life. Blame strips you of all responsibility and is a safety net. Being confined in a net isn’t the way I want to live and I wager it isn’t the way you want to live either.
Watch the Why To Give Up Blame For Your Success video here
Pointing The Finger Of Blame Removes Your Control
Pointing the finger of blame is something we learned and strips you of control. If you don’t have control than nothing is your fault. You have no responsibility. You must gain back this control and live your life based on your goals and expectations of behavior and of course reaching a high level of success that you desire.
You learned this practice from those around you. Almost everyone chooses to place blame for their current situation on parents, their spouse and even the current economic state of the world. While pointing the finger of blame gives you a nice target it doesn’t serve you in finding and following your own path. It just gives you targets.
Expiry Date
Just like the milk will go sour after it’s expiry date so will you. Often we place the blame on our parents. At some point you are no longer under their control. This is the point where you can decide to take the wheel and steer your life in the direction you choose to follow. You are born with the right to choose. Start choosing.
Determine Who You Blame And Why.
This can be a hard exercise but a necessary one. It only serves one main purpose. To show you how much control others have over you. List the people who have control even though they may not be in your life anymore. They could still have influence even from the grave. They may have left their finger print on you. Now comes the hard part.
You must choose to be responsible for yourself and decide what thoughts serve you and those that hold you back. Yes, my friend, hard words I’m going to write here but no truer ones have been said.
As an adult you choose to be held in that net or grow up and take the reins firmly in hand and guide yourself. It is all part of being an adult.
Now you know who has shaped what you are right now, it is time to change all that. Write down “your” desires. What do “you” want. Forget about all the nonsensical rules floating around your head and be focused on you. Now go out there and Crush it! Be yourself.
Enjoy every day, Love as much as you can and Succeed.
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